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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Physie?

Physie is a unique sport for girls and ladies which combines modern dance, ballet, pilates and yoga. Physie is the perfect way to improve your balance, co-ordination, flexibility and confidence in a fun and friendly atmosphere.


Each year girls and ladies learn a new set of standing and floor routines which are refined and improved through regular classes and culminate in competitions for both individuals and teams of six. 

Who can do Physie?

Girls from 3 years of age through to ladies of all ages and anyone in between, at any level of fitness, are welcome to join our club. Physie is a fantastic sport for all ages and abilities, with classes for all age groups including ladies over 60.


What happens in class each week?

Each week girls and ladies learn the set routines for the year. Routines are taught gradually over terms 1 and 2 and then refined and perfected as the year progresses.


From the age of five, girls can compete in individual competitions, while girls from the age of seven through to ladies can compete in teams as well as individual competitions. In terms 3 and 4 classes will include team and individual practices to prepare for competitions.

What do I wear?

For classes, wear something that allows you to move freely without restriction. You may choose to wear a leotard, or alternatively gym attire such as tights and singlets. As physie is judged based on positions and technique, you will gain the most benefit by wearing clothes that are slim fitting rather than baggy, so your teacher can give you the best possible advice and corrections. It is preferred that all members wear ballet shoes.


In competitions, you will be required to wear a leotard and skirt combination. For individual competitions they can be a colour and design of your choice. For team competitions, you will be asked to purchase a team leotard and skirt. Leather ballet shoes are compulsory for all ages and competitions. Shimmer or fishnet tights, fake tan and minimal makeup may only be worn from 13 years upward.

What competitions are there? What is involved?

Physie has several different levels of competitions. Competitions are not compulsory, however participation is actively encouraged as it is a great way to foster club spirit and to recognise the hard work that has been put in by club members over the year.


Interclub Competitions

These are individual competitions, hosted by one club which invites three to four other clubs to compete in a friendly setting. These occur before the start of the official competition season and do not affect the end of year results. Interclubs are a great warm up for the competition season.


Champion Girl Competitions

All girls or ladies in their age group compete individually in order to be selected to progress further in the competition. Out of several zones, between 24 to 36 girls are selected to compete at the state finals. From there, 12 girls from each age group compete at the grand final at Sydney Town Hall.


Team Competitions

Teams of six girls compete together, with the aim of creating perfect synchronicity of timing, positions and placement.


Club Competitions

This is our club annual competition day and is open just to our club members. We ask all club members to participate as it is a day to show family and friends all the hard work that everyone has put in throughout the year.

Still have questions about our club or physie? Please contact us and we will be happy to help.

More information about physie is also available on the EP Physie website.

© 2024 by Lawson Springwood Physical Culture Club

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